Spring is the time of the gardening year where all gardeners sigh with relief, it's really time to get out and about and enjoy the wonderful world of horticulture. A garden waking up and showing its early colour and form is a wonderful space to live and work in, an it's no exception that Lucy and Saul revel in this time of year, as their gardening lives start to get busier with sowing, planting, propagation, mowing, mulching and all other gardening tasks. Sprinkle in some early flower shows and the odd plant fair and our gardening life is complete, so thank god for Spring!
Without a doubt, spring is in full throttle, both in Devon and in Essex. Lucy and Saul are enjoying produce from their plots, and displays in their borders - Lucy even managed to squeeze in a visit to her local Beth Chatto gardens, courtesy of the Garden Media Guild. Seeing how famous gardeners plant up their gardens is such an enjoyable process, and this will also be echoed later this month when the duo step out onto the Chelsea Flower Show showground.
Instagram Links:
Lucy headgardenerlc
Twitter links:
Saul @GardeningSaul
Intro and Outro music from https://filmmusic.io
"Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Spring is the time of the gardening year where all gardeners sigh with relief, it's really time to get out and about and enjoy the wonderful world of horticulture. A garden waking up and showing its early colour and form is a wonderful space to live and work in, an it's no exception that Lucy and Saul revel in this time of year, as their gardening lives start to get busier with sowing, planting, propagation, mowing, mulching and all other gardening tasks. Sprinkle in some early flower shows and the odd plant fair and our gardening life is complete, so thank god for Spring!
Without a doubt, spring is in full throttle, both in Devon and in Essex. Lucy and Saul are enjoying produce from their plots, and displays in their borders - Lucy even managed to squeeze in a visit to her local Beth Chatto gardens, courtesy of the Garden Media Guild. Seeing how famous gardeners plant up their gardens is such an enjoyable process, and this will also be echoed later this month when the duo step out onto the Chelsea Flower Show showground.
Instagram Links:
Lucy headgardenerlc
Twitter links:
Saul @GardeningSaul
Intro and Outro music from https://filmmusic.io
"Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)