Talking Heads - a Gardening Podcast
Follow professional gardeners Saul Walker and Lucy Chamberlain as they reveal exactly what it’s like to be horticulturists in the diverse and exciting world of gardening . Lucy and Saul have 40 years of gardening experience between them and it soon became clear to them both that this fulfilling vocation can be incredibly diverse, occasionally challenging and hugely rewarding. On the podcast they regularly discuss horticultural topics close to their hearts and give you an insight into their lives as gardeners. If you wish to support the podcast you can via our BuyMeACoffee page - just click the link at the end of the podcast description or the donate button found at the bottom of this page.
Talking Heads - a Gardening Podcast
Ep. 209 - What gardening trends does 2024 have in store? According to RHS Chief Horticulturist, Guy Barter, lots! Lucy and Saul chat through his predictions for the year ahead
Winter in the UK is either mild and damp, or cold and windy - and who would want to be outside as a gardener at this time of year - well Saul and Lucy for one, as these months are some of the busiest in all of the 12. While the garden may be slumbering, Head Gardeners and their teams are beavering away on major jobs, garden renovations, cleaning and tidying the years clutter and making plans for 2024. So join us every week to see what we're up to in the cold months in our work and home gardens.
Saul and Lucy return to their usual format, as Lucy's jetlag and holiday tan start to fade. Luckily, the duo have plenty to get their teeth into this week as RHS Chief Horticulturist and podcast friend, Guy Barter, reveals his plant trend predictions for 2024. We can expect grow your own, wildlife gardening, exotic fruits, purple veg, houseplants and succulents to all keep us company on the plot in the year ahead, according to Guy - and we don't doubt him! Whether we all plant up survivalist gardens, only time will tell...
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Twitter links:
Saul @GardeningSaul
Instagram Links:
Lucy headgardenerlc
Intro and Outro music from https://filmmusic.io
"Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)